LFC biodigester

The LFC biodigester is a fully enclosed automatic food waste digester that disposes of most food waste within 24 hours. The LFC biodigester is currently on the eighth generation build.

About the LFC biodigester


The LFC biodigester is a machine that eats food waste. It is constantly digesting and can eat most types of food waste — from preparation to post consumer.

You add your waste at any time by opening the door, putting in the waste, and closing the door. The LFC biodigester is fully automatic and takes care of the rest. All waste is converted to grey water that is safely discharged down the drain.

Power Knot has nine different machines with varying capacities.

How It Works

The LFC biodigester uses a series of processes in which micro­organisms break down biodegradable material in the presence of oxygen.

A medium inside the LFC biodigester — Powerchips — houses the microorganisms. In combination with our proprietary mixture of microorganisms and enzymes — Powerzyme — the digestion of food products is accelerated. The output is grey water that is environmentally safe. You discharge this down the drain or use it to enrich your landscape.

The process operates aerobically — in the presence of oxygen — so there are no smells. A motor turns arms inside the LFC drum to mix the waste with oxygen and microorganisms. That turning is only a quarter of the time and is slow to ensure that the waste is not macerated and allows the microbes to digest the waste.

How It Works

The LFC biodigester is typically installed where the waste is generated. This may be in the preparation area or the dish washing area in a galley or kitchen. You can install it outside, provided it is protected from the elements.

When the machine is placed near to where the waste is generated it improves efficiency by minimizing the labor to transport the waste, eliminating the need for plastic bags to contain the waste, and reducing the number and size of bins required to transport the waste.

You roll the LFC biodigester to its location and install the feet. Depending on the model, the machine needs warm water or hot and cold water, and ac power. The waste water output goes to a drain.

Depending on the model, an LFC biodigester can be installed in an hour or so.

Simple Operation

The LFC biodigester is constantly digesting the waste and you can add waste food at any time. Simply open the door, throw in the waste, and close the door. In this way, you can view the LFC biodigester as a bottomless bucket. The LFC biodigester digests food in a continuous process and operates without stopping.

Like our own stomach, you don’t feed the LFC biodigester only once per day; as the waste is generated you put it into the machine. This eliminates the accumulation of the waste, the need to take it out to a dumpster, and the bags you may need to do this.

The operating parameters of the machine are fully programmable and protected by a password. However, the default program works in the vast majority of deployments.

Simple Operation
Weighing the Amount of Waste

Load cells on each corner of the LFC biodigester accurately weigh the amount of waste food in the LFC biodigester, the amount that is added, and the amount that is digested. This data is automatically stored and reported graphically and numerically. The data can be viewed by the hour, day, week, month, and year.

As the operator adds waste into the LFC biodigester, the touch screen indicates how much more can be added. When the door is closed the LFC biodigester indicates with a bright LED when more waste can be added with a simple green indication. As waste is added, the indication becomes yellow when no more waste should be added and red if the operator overloads the LFC biodigester.

The LFC biodigesters are NTEP Certified. This certification provides assurance that the weight of the waste food that is measured and reported is true and accurate. This ensures compliance with regulations, prevents fraud, and builds confidence with stakeholders.

Weighing the Amount of Waste

The amount of food that can be digested depends on the type of food, the frequency with which it is added to the LFC biodigester, and the duration of the working day. The rated capacity of an LFC biodigester is based on a mixture of raw and cooked food as may be found in a typical restaurant that is added to the machine over a 12 hour to 16 hour working day.

There is no maximum amount of waste food that a machine will eat in a day. Cooked rice, pasta, or bread are some of the foods that are rapidly digested and if added in equal portions throughout the day, then a machine will digest appreciably more.

Connection to the Cloud

The LFC biodigester can connect through its Ethernet port to a cloud server maintained by Power Knot. The LFC biodigester securely sends data about the operation of the LFC biodigester to the server and that data is retained for five years. The data includes the amount of waste food digested hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly; the number of times the door is opened in these periods; and the amount of CO2 diverted from the landfill during these periods. If you have multiple machines, you can aggregate the data into a single report.

Remotely, you can view the health of the system including all diagnostics and when the LFC biodigester requires scheduled maintenance.

You have access to view and manipulate the data from any computer, tablet, or smartphone anywhere in the world. This access is available as long as you own the LFC biodigester at no charge to you.

Connection to the Cloud
Saving the Planet

When food waste is discarded in a landfill, it degrades as an anaerobic process (in the absence of oxygen). This decomposition produces methane (CH4) which is 87 times worse for the atmosphere in the short term than carbon dioxide (CO2). The effect of this on global warming is huge, because the largest part of garbage sent to landfills in the US is waste food. Further, the decomposition smells and can cause health problems. Discarding 100 kg (220 lb) of waste food per day causes the equivalent of 153 tonnes of CO2 per year to be sent to the atmosphere.

The decomposition inside the LFC biodigester is an aerobic process (in the presence of oxygen). This produces CO2 and water in a natural manner that is accelerated in the food decomposition machine. This natural process is carbon neutral because the carbon was taken from the atmosphere to produce the food in the first place. The LFC biodigester uses minimal electricity. For example, running the LFC-100 for a year causes the production of about 2.1 tonnes of CO2.

Saving the Planet
Global Features

Power Knot sells and supports its products worldwide and has installations in six continents and all of the world’s oceans. The LFC biodigester is fully certified for the US, Canada, and the EU with compliance information available on request. Small models (LFC-100 biodigester and below) have a universal ac input. Larger models are available with different ac supply voltages.

Power Knot products can be used globally to save money, improve operations, comply with local regulations and customer expectations, and reduce your carbon footprint.

Global Features

Features of the LFC biodigester

The LFC biodigester is a fully automatic machine that disposes of most food waste within 24 hours.

    To view the spinner model:
  • Use your left mouse button to spin the model.
  • Use your right mouse button to move it.
  • Use your mouse wheel to zoom in or out.
  • Click on a number to see details of that feature.


  • Greatly reduces costs to dispose of waste food
  • Reduces size, quantity, and smells of trash bins
  • Eliminates flies and rodents that may be attracted to garbage bins containing waste food
  • Saves time and injuries of employees carrying trash outdoors
  • Weigh and dispose of food waste in one machine
  • Food waste does not go to landfill where it creates methane
  • Easily report CO2 equivalent diverted from landfill via the LFC Cloud
  • Key element in making a facility have zero waste
  • Payback is typically 6 to 24 months
  • Significantly reduces carbon footprint of business

Optional Add-ons:

Constantly Digesting

Constantly Digesting

The LFC biodigester is a fully enclosed automatic biodigester that disposes of most food matter within 24 hours. The LFC biodigester can be used to save money at a variety of facilities that have food waste. The LFC biodigester  is designed, developed, and manufactured in Silicon Valley and will reliably digest for up to 15-25 years.

Download the LFC family data sheet here.

Built for the World

The first food waste digester with certifications for:

  • CE
  • TUV US
  • TUV Canada
  • NTEP
Built for the World

Food Decomposition Machine


Digests 9–75 kg (20–165 lb) of food waste per day.


Digests 17–150 kg (38–330 lb) of food waste per day.


Digests 25–210 kg (55–460 lb) of food waste per day.


Digests 35–300 kg (80–660 lb) of food waste per day.


Digests 70–600 kg (150–1320 lb) of food waste per day.


Digests 100–900 kg (220–2000 lb) of food waste per day.


Digests 175–1500 kg (380–3300 lb) of food waste per day.


Digests 350–3000 kg (770–6600 lb) of food waste per day.


Digests 700–6000 kg (1540–13200 lb) of food waste per day.

LFC-25 LFC-50 LFC-70 LFC-100 LFC-200 LFC-300 LFC-500 LFC-1000 LFC-2000
Daily capacity, kg 9–75 kg 17–150 kg 25–210 kg 35–300 kg 70–600 kg 100–900 kg 175–1500 kg 350–3000 kg 700–6000 kg
Size, width x depth x height, cm 59 x 59 x 93 90 x 68 x 89 95 x 73 x 95 113 x 76 x 99 150 x 88 x 131 156 x 109 x 154 194 x 121 x 170 261 x 145 x 185 323 x 183 x 253
Weight when empty 136 kg 175 kg 220 kg 250 kg 350 kg 570 kg 830 kg 1250 kg 2340 kg
AC supply
120 or 230 V, 50 or 60 Hz , 15 A, single phase
208, 250, 380, 400 V, 460 V, 50 to 60 Hz, 15 A 3-phase
Maximum power 180 W 380 W 380 W 720 W 1.0 kW 2.0 kW 2.8 kW 4.9 kW 4.9 kW
Energy per day 0.8 kWh 1.9 kWh 1.9 kWh 3.8 kWh 6.6 kWh 12 kWh 17 kWh
29 kWh
LFC-25 LFC-50 LFC-70 LFC-100 LFC-200 LFC-300 LFC-500 LFC-1000 LFC-2000
Daily capacity 20–165 lb 38–330 lb 55–460 lb 80–660 lb 150–1320 lb 220–2000 lb 380–3300 lb 770–6600 lb 1540–13200 lb
Size, width x depth x height, inches 23 x 23 x 37 35 x 27 x 35 38 x 29 x 38 45 x 30 x 39 59 x 35 x 52 61 x 43 x 61 76 x 48 x 67 103 x 57 x 73 127 x 72 x 100
Weight when empty 300 lb 380 lb 490 lb 550 lb 770 lb 1260 lb 1830 lb 2760 lb 5160 lb
AC supply 100~260 V, 50 to 60 Hz , 15 A, single phase
208, 250, 380, 400 V, 460 V, 50 to 60 Hz, 15 A 3-phase
Maximum power 180 W 380 W 380 W 720 W 1.0 kW 2.0 kW 2.8 kW 4.9 kW 4.9 kW
Energy per day 0.8 kWh 1.9 kWh 1.9 kWh 3.8 kWh 6.6 kWh 12 kWh 17 kWh
29 kWh