Montanya Distillers turn citrus peels from tasting room into water
In 2020, Montanya installed the LFC biodigester as part of their distillery expansion. In just two months, the machine broke down 1,442 lbs of citrus and food waste from their bar and restaurant. That’s 2.7 tonnes of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) diverted from the landfill and the atmosphere.

Turning food waste into water at Meyer Academy
Arthur I. Meyer Jewish Academy in Palm Beach Gardens, FL eliminated the cost of hauling solid food waste, instead committing it to an LFC (Liquid Food Composter) which reduces up to 200 lbs (90 kg) of solid food into drain-safe “grey water” every 24 hours.

Fish bones and waste digested by LFC biodigester
Rick Smith, the owner of Big River Fish, estimated that the costs of disposal were averaging $75 per day and likely to continue to rise. Rick wanted a more cost effective solution and he chose to use an LFC-200 Biodigester from Power Knot to digest the waste fish and send the output down the drain.