Attractions and Events

Airports, amusement parks, entertainment venues, convention centers, and shopping malls, bustling with daily guests, face a shared challenge of managing substantial daily volumes of food waste that often end up in landfills. The logistical and cost burden of daily waste transportation becomes a growing concern. Address these concerns with the LFC biodigester, a revolutionary onsite food waste digester capable of digesting up to 13,200 lbs of food waste daily.

Sustainable Solutions for Special Events

Onsite Waste Management and Technology

US sporting event attendees generate around 39 million pounds of trash per year with a majority stemming from food waste. Transporting the sheer volume of daily waste can add up.

The LFC biodigester is an onsite solution that can process high volumes of food waste right in convention centers and attractions through aerobic digestion, a natural process utilizing a special mix of microorganisms, water, and oxygen. The food waste is converted to water that can be safely discharged to sewer lines or filtered to enrich landscape for a circular economy.

High volume, low effort waste management

  • Divert organic waste from landfill
  • Digest waste in a 24/7 continuous process
  • Track which areas are generating the most
  • Reduce carbon footprint and costs of waste management

3D Spinner of the LFC-1000 biodigester

Event stadiums typically choose the LFC-1000 biodigester which comes with a bin tipper to accommodate the high volume of waste.
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Our Customers in Attractions and Events

Power Knot Receives Additional Orders for LFC biodigester from Dubai International Airport
June 21, 2022
Power Knot Receives Additional Orders for LFC biodigester from Dubai International Airport

Power Knot LLC, the market leader for on site organic waste management solutions announced today that it has received additional orders...

Gun Lake Casino reduces methane emissions with food waste bin tipper to preserve Earth
November 7, 2022
Gun Lake Casino reduces methane emissions with food waste bin tipper to preserve Earth

Gun Lake Casino, operated by Michigan's Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians, mitigated methane emissions using the LFC...

Al Rahmania Mall solves food court and hypermarket waste with LFC biodigester
April 21, 2022
Al Rahmania Mall solves food court and hypermarket waste with LFC biodigester

The Sharjah Cooperative Society, a hypermarket in Al Rahmani Mall, met environmental laws and saved time, money, and resources through ...

World’s highest installation of a biodigester at the ALMA observatory
October 12, 2021
World’s highest installation of a biodigester at the ALMA observatory

The Atacama Large Millimeter Array, the world’s largest observatory in the Atacama Desert, sustainably managed its food waste despite...

Power Knot Biodigester Used as Waste Solution in Expo 2020 Dubai
February 10, 2022
Power Knot Biodigester Used as Waste Solution in Expo 2020 Dubai

Power Knot LLC announced today that its LFC-500 biodigester is currently being used as an organic waste solution at Expo 2020 Dubai.

Future proof your Kitchen with Commercial Food Waste Digesters
January 2, 2024
Future proof your Kitchen with Commercial Food Waste Digesters

Commercial food waste digesters align with major trends shaping modern kitchens – efficiency, sustainability, and data analytics. Lea...

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