Power Knot Supports Biohitech Biodigesters with Consumables

May 26, 2022


Power Knot LLC, the market leader for onsite organic waste management solutions announced today that it is supporting owners of Biohitech food waste digesters with consumables items and spare parts. (Biohitech is now called Renovare.)

Power Knot has already been supplying major customers of Biohitech with these items and has received additional orders of consumables from other customers that own Biohitech food waste digesters. Specific machines currently being supported are: Biohitech Seed, Biohitech Sprout, Biohitech Sapling, Biohitech Cypress, and Biohitech Mangrove.

The consumables in high demand are the powder Powerzyme and Powerchips Green. Powerzyme is Power Knot’s proprietary mixture of microorganisms that are used in biodigesters to carry out aerobic digestion and rapidly digest food waste, resulting in an output that is largely CO2 and water. Powerchips Green are highly porous chips used to  create an environment where the microorganisms in the Powerzyme can rapidly reproduce to digest the organic material faster.

“Power Knot is able to offer consumable items without issue,” said Iain Milnes, President at Power Knot. “Powerzyme and Powerchips Green are compatible with Biohitech biodigesters and offer equal or better performance than the original product.”

Despite supply chain issues that have disrupted most high technology industries, Power Knot continues to service all its customers with machines, spare parts, and support without issue.

About the LFC Biodigester

The LFC® biodigester is a machine that digests food waste. These machines are usually installed in a commercial kitchen or galley and reduce the expense, inconvenience, mess, and carbon footprint of disposing of food waste that would otherwise be hauled to a landfill. Power Knot has eight different sizes that digest from 10 kg (20 lb) per day to 3000 kg (6600 lb) per day of food waste. With many hundreds of installations globally on land and on the ocean, the LFC biodigester has proven to be reliable, safe, and cost effective.

About Power Knot

Power Knot provides safe and economically sound solutions for commercial, industrial, and military customers globally seeking to reduce their carbon footprint. Our technologies are proven, available today, have been in reliable use for many years, and offer a payback period typically of less than two years. We design, develop, and manufacture our products in our headquarters in Silicon Valley, California. Unlike Biohitech, Power Knot has been profitable for eight years and has no outside debt.

For any food waste digester parts, service, or consumable inquiries, contact Power Knot below.

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