Power Knot Announces Expansion of Manufacturing Facility

FREMONT, CA — Power Knot LLC, the market leader for innovative on-site organic waste management solutions, has announced a significant expansion of its manufacturing facility, reaffirming its unwavering commitment to meeting the surging demand for its groundbreaking LFC® biodigester technology. The company is set to assume occupancy of this expanded space on the first of September 2023.
Demand for Power Knot’s cutting-edge solutions has reached unprecedented levels due to growing awareness of the detrimental environmental impact of food waste and the direct impact of food waste on climate change.
The LFC biodigester, a cornerstone of Power Knot’s product portfolio, has witnessed remarkable adoption across commercial, industrial, and military sectors globally. This surge in demand highlights the urgent need for innovative technologies that provide practical and sustainable solutions to organic waste management challenges.
“The world is awakening to the critical importance of sustainable waste management, especially when it comes to food waste,” said Iain Milnes, President of Power Knot. “The LFC biodigester has emerged as a transformative solution that not only addresses this challenge but provides insights into key areas of how to reduce waste. The expansion of our manufacturing facility underscores our dedication to meeting this demand head-on and providing real-world solutions that make a tangible impact.”
About Power Knot
Power Knot provides safe and economically sound solutions for commercial, industrial, and military customers globally seeking to reduce their carbon footprint. Our technologies are proven, available today, have been in reliable use for many years, and offer a payback period typically of less than two years. We design, develop, and manufacture our products in our headquarters in Silicon Valley, California.
For more information, access www.powerknot.com.