Carnival Corporation & plc Honored with Environment Leader Award for Food Waste Management Initiatives

FREMONT, CA — Power Knot Ocean, the market leader for onboard organic waste management solutions in the marine environment, announced today that Carnival Corporation & plc has received the Environment Leader Award in recognition of their aggressive food waste reduction efforts which include the use of food waste digesters.
The ESG Shipping Awards International 2024, the world’s first event of its kind, was established in partnership with the Greek Ministry of Shipping and the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping. The awards recognize global shipping companies for their innovation and exceptional commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices, across 11 categories.
Carnival Corporation was distinguished in the following categories:
- Gold Climate Change Leader Award
- Gold Technology Leader Award
- Bronze Environment Leader Award
The Bronze Environment Leader Award was given to Carnival Corporation & plc for its comprehensive food waste reduction initiatives aimed at minimizing food waste throughout all aspects of onboard food preparation and dining services. This recognition highlights the company’s significant investments in advanced food waste management technologies, such as the LFC® biodigester from Power Knot Ocean. These biodigesters efficiently break down and responsibly dispose of unused food, and provide statistics about the source and amount of waste. With these statistics, Carnival is able to focus efforts on the reduction in food waste per passenger.. This achievement not only surpasses Carnival’s 2025 goal but also propels the company closer to its 50% reduction target set for 2030.

The LFC® biodigester is a machine that digests food waste. These machines are usually installed in a galley or recycling center and reduce the expense, inconvenience, mess, and carbon footprint of disposing of food waste that would otherwise be taken off in a tender. Power Knot Ocean has nine different sizes that digest from 10 kg (20 lb) per day to 6000 kg (13200 lb) per day of food waste. With many hundreds of installations globally on land and on the ocean, the LFC biodigester has proven to be reliable, safe, and cost effective.
About Power Knot Ocean
Power Knot Ocean provides safe and economically sound solutions for managers of cruise ships, cargo ships, and yachts globally seeking to reduce their carbon footprint and comply with DOJ and MARPOL regulations. Our technologies are proven, available today, have been in reliable use for many years, and offer a payback period typically of less than two years. We design, develop, and manufacture our products in our headquarters in Silicon Valley, California.