Group reporting with graphs now available for the LFC Cloud
FREMONT, CA — Power Knot LLC, the market leader for onsite organic waste management solutions, announced today that it has released a major upgrade to the LFC Cloud, the online data analytics system for its LFC biodigesters.
The upgrade allows extensive reporting for groups or individual LFC biodigesters and permits quick and easy ability to compare the waste ingested by one machine or group of machines with one or more other machines or groups.
All LFC biodigesters automatically connect securely to the LFC Cloud. The machines weigh the amount of waste that is ingested and report that on the color touch screen and on the LFC Cloud both numerically and graphically. The ability to aggregate the waste of one or more machines into a group, or compare the waste at one location against another, allows operators to identify where waste can possibly be saved.
The LFC biodigester securely sends data about the operation of the LFC biodigester to the server and that data is retained for five years. All data that is available on the LFC touch screen is sent to the LFC Cloud where a user can easily create reports for stakeholders.
Each LFC biodigester connected to the LFC Cloud can be assigned to a Master Group, a Group, or a Subgroup.
For a hotel operator, the Master Group would be the company name, the Group would be the hotel brand, and the Subgroup would be the name of the hotel.
For a cruise ship operator, the Master Group would be the company name, the Group would be the operating company, and the Subgroup would be the name of the ship.
A user can highlight any number of groups or individual LFC biodigesters and with one click, can plot a graph for comparison.
“We have implemented this feature at the request of our major customers,” said Iain Milnes, president of Power Knot.
“As these customers deploy hundreds of our LFC biodigesters, the ability for them to easily see the waste across their corporations becomes paramount for them.”
The LFC Cloud is available at no charge for any owner of an LFC biodigester; the upgrade is available now and accessible by any user of the LFC Cloud.
About Power Knot
Power Knot provides safe and economically sound solutions for commercial, industrial, and military customers globally seeking to reduce their carbon footprint.
Our technologies are proven, available today, have been in reliable use for many years, and offer a payback period typically of less than two years.
We design, develop, and manufacture our products in our headquarters in Silicon Valley, California.
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