International Conference on Epidemiology & Hygiene
Hotel Continental Brno
Kounicova 680/6
602 00
Brno-střed-Veveří, Czechia
18–19 April 09:30 – 18:00
9 Sept 09:30 – 13:30
Power Knot will be attending the International Conference on Epidemiology & Hygiene. Learn how you can reduce your carbon footprint, meet environmental and regulatory compliance, improve food sanitation, and save money.
Schedule a time to meet with Michal Porhajm at +420-607-546-218 or email him at michal.porhajm@eco-elva.cz
Power Knot’s LFC biodigester is a fully enclosed automatic digesting machine that disposes of food waste within a 24 hour period. Once installed, you can add food waste at any time. Microroganisms turn the food waste into grey water which can be safely discharged to the sewage system.
Using Power Knot’s LFC biodigesters in hospitals ensures that organic waste can be safely disposed of with reduced contamination risks. Power Knot provides safe and economically sound solutions for commercial, industrial, and military customers seeking to improve and to make a positive impact on their environment.
This conference brings together over 250 experts from hospitals in the Czech Republic and presents new knowledge and trends in the field of epidemiology and hygiene. All participants will receive CLK credit points for the lifelong education system.
> https://iqevent.cz/sneh-mezinarodni-konference-nemocnicni-epidemiologie-a-hygiena-brno-2023/